Picture of the Day for October 29, 2013

Congress appropriated funds for a lighthouse on Long Island in the Apostle Islands on Lake Superior near Bayfield, Wisconsin but when workmen arrived to build it in 1853, a local representative of the Lighthouse Board, directed them to Michigan Island.

The light on Michigan Island entered service in the spring of 1857, but was closed after only one year of operation. Evidence suggests that higher authorities in the Lighthouse Service repudiated the rash decision of their field representative, and ordered the hapless contractors to go back and erect a new lighthouse at the planned Long Island location.

In 1869, however, authorities decided that a lighthouse on Michigan Island might actually be useful, so was $6000 requested to renovate and relight the abandoned station on Michigan Island.

Fifty years later, an effort began to place the Michigan Island light in a higher tower. When the Lighthouse Service discontinued operation of the Schooner’s Ledge light on Pennsylvania’s Delaware River near Philadelphia, the cylindrical steel tower was disassembled and brought to Wisconsin. Originally built in 1880, the tower was transported to Michigan Island in 1919, where it sat on the beach, awaiting assembly, for another ten years.

On October 29, 1929, the Fresnel lens was transferred from the old lighthouse to the new tower. “Started up new tower at sunset,” wrote Keeper Lane. “Everything in good shape but station looked odd, the old tower being dark for the first time in navigation in 72 years. NEW TOWER IN COMMISSION TONIGHT.”

The old Michigan Island Lighthouse is currently under repairs and Michigan Island is unique in that the old lighthouse was supposed to be built somewhere else and the newer lighthouse was originally built elsewhere.

Wandering Lighthouses

Wandering Lighthouses

Picture of the Day for October 22, 2013

Colored leaves and red apples on the trees announce that fall is here, but as soon as it gets here, it seems to slip away too quickly as more leaves are on the ground than on the tree, the days get cloudy and cold, and the apples are harvested before they freeze. And hopefully these apples were picked since the temperature was 23ºF last night, otherwise the birds will have a supply of apples to pick at.

Signs of Autumn

Signs of Autumn

Picture of the Day for October 21, 2013

The mighty oak is trying to hang on to summer, refusing to display autumn colors yet and waving its green leaves in front of the bitternut hickory tree in the background, who gave up on the fight and has turned. But I suppose we have to face that winter is coming, especially since I just looked up and there are a few snow flakes drifting by the window as it is still below freezing yet this morning.

Hanging on to Summer

Hanging onto Summer

Picture of the Day for October 20, 2013

The sunset last night looked a little eerie but then it probably knew what the night would bring and I wasn’t overly pleased to see a white coating on the ground early this morning so I went back to bed and it disappeared when I got up again so it was just all my imagination that it had snowed. Except I see flakes mixed in with the rain now so maybe it wasn’t my imagination after all.

Eerie Sunset

Eerie Sunset