Picture of the Day for November 22, 2021

There are no horns on these critters for the deer hunters to find but there are some tails. The Katahdin breed of sheep was developed in the United States for a meat sheep that did not require shearing. In cold winter they grow a thick coat which is then shed in the warm seasons. Their name comes from Mt. Katahdin, the highest peak in Maine, the state where the breed was developed.

Katahdin Sheep

Katahdin Sheep

Picture of the Day for November 18, 2021

November is National Model Railroad Month and on a cold, blustery winter day, playing with model train indoors might be a nice treat. The amazing detail and hours that people put into their work can create a wonderful mini-world where life moves along the tracks. This model train set is in the Bayfield Heritage Association in Northern Wisconsin and depicts a historic snapshot of Bayfield including the industries of sandstone quarrying and logging.

Bayfield Model Railroad

Bayfield Model Railroad