Picture of the Day for April 27, 2014

April showers bring May flowers. Well hopefully this rainy April week will bring some flowers and maybe finally melt the last of the snow. Normally there would be some wildflowers open by now but not this year and only the second type of early spring bulbs have opened so far this year.

The Scilla siberica (Siberian squill or wood squill) is native to south western Russia, the Caucasus, and Turkey, and strangely, despite its name, it is not native to Siberia. It is cultivated for its bluebell-like flowers and it naturalizes rapidly from seed. At a height of less than six inches, it is suitable for planting in grass, and will spread by seed to form large colonies that go dormant by the time grass needs to be mowed. In the Midwestern United States it is becoming invasive in some situations. It is very hardy and cold tolerant, and is left untouched by critters from voles to deer.

Siberian Squill

Siberian Squill

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