Picture of the Day for October 28, 2012

I started the red/yellow week on Monday so I could have ended the week with Saturday’s picture so both the yellow and red had equal showing, but like in baseball, the National League Championship Series went seven games to determine a winner. But since I like everyone to win, today’s picture will be both a red and yellow picture.

But like the windmills, the old wooden corn cribs are losing out to metal corn cribs or the more common metal corn bins. Corn cribs were first used by Native Americans. The early corn cribs had many designs, not all made from wood, but generally had some type of slats in the wall to allow air to circulate, drying the corn to prevent mold and decay. A roof to keep the corn out of the weather and elevated to prevent rodent infestation were common of the designs. They may have been a single long building, or one with two cribs and a center driveway. But whatever the style, they are disappearing like the wooden barns and windmills.

Corn Crib Wooden Slats

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