The last two days have been rather wet with all the rain and my pond is overflowing, but yesterday there was a brief rainbow. The early season rainbow looked similar to this late fall rainbow when the trees are still bare.
Rainbow Over Bare Trees
One suggestion for this year’s Earth Day was to take a walk (while social distancing) and discover native plants. I did notice a few leaves of native plants but my outdoor activity today consisted mainly of picking up limbs and branches that wind gust from a few days ago and the heavy snows all winter brought down. It almost seemed like more limbs on the ground than remaining on the trees since I didn’t get finished picking them all up off the lawn today.
Tree Limbs
“On the First day of Christmas my true love sent to me a Partridge in a Pear Tree.”
Well the song lyrics just don’t work for me since I don’t have a true love, the coyote ate the partridge and it has to be a very hardy pear tree to survive in my area and it would be a bare tree this time of year.
Bare Tree