A few years ago, I made some more birdhouses but with the weird weather this spring, I haven’t made my rounds to clean out all my birdhouses yet so I will need to do that before the return of tree swallows, wrens and hopefully some bluebirds too.
When I was mowing, I scared a bluebird out of a birdhouse. It is so nice to see somebluebirds back this year, even if they are nesting later than normal. Hopefully they will hatch a large nest of eggs so more return next year to add the blue color in the backyard.
The moon has been lighting up the snow at night, but it always seems like the days around the full moon are always too chilly for a moonlight stroll. The sunny day was chilly too so the some of the birds might want to check out the birdhouses for some protection from the cold wind chills.
Today was 30 degrees colder than yesterday so it didn’t feel very warm outside especially with the wind blowing, but hopefully later in the week will be warmer so I can get the bird houses cleaned up before the bluebirds return. The female is checking up on the male bluebird to see if he is picking out a good house for her.
A winter squatting mouse had another frosty view from the birdhouse today, but the sun didn’t shine bright as the rodent made tracks in the snow when it ventured out.
Most of the birdhouses are vacant after the summer lodgers have headed south. I did see a nuthatch coming out of a house this week, maybe checking out it to see if it is an upgrade from its normal home in a tree.
The coating of snow this morning was a reminder that this birdhouse will not have its summertime residents arriving for weeks yet. Although there may be some winter squatters hiding out in the bluebird houses as I have found some field mice when checking the houses in the spring.
During the winter, many cabins up north are vacant like this bird house. Although both might have unwanted winter visitors like mice and squirrels attempting to take up residence inside during the cold days.
The bird feeder was filled with a range of colors with the blue Indigo Bunting, yellow Goldfinches, red Cardinal, orange Baltimore Orioles, and the red, white and black of the Rose Breasted Grosbeaks. Sometimes there isn’t room at the feeders, especially when my chipmunks keep raiding the jelly feeder and the squirrels trying to get the sunflower seeds. There is even a fight at the bird houses as this bird house had a tree swallow claiming it. The next day a wren was carrying sticks into the house but the following day house sparrows were sitting on it. I guess I might have to build a few more bird houses.
The temperature was finally above freezing today, which caused some snow to melt especially off the roof. The dripping water was running into some of the tunnels the chipmunks use so maybe that is why this chipmunk was hanging out in the birdhouse on a tree instead.