Tag: Chipmunk

Picture of the Day for March 28, 2018

There were a few more signs of spring today with the temperature finally reaching the normal high so some snow was melting, even if my lawn is still white, but my pond was starting to fill up with the runoff. And I heard the first killdeer today so another summer bird returned but a sure hint of spring returning is that the chipmunks have emerged from their winter nap and they were checking out my porch for any flower pots to dig up even if there was none at the moment.

The Return of the Chipmunks

The Return of the Chipmunks

Picture of the Day for March 3, 2018

I saw a little brown furry thing scampering through the woods this morning and I thought maybe it had finally warmed up enough for the chipmunks to emerge from their winter nap but it was a little red squirrel instead. And with more snow coming, my pesky little rodents may stay hidden in their burrows underground for a few more weeks.

No Chipmunk Yet

No Chipmunk Yet

Picture of the Day for April 25, 2017

While chipmunks might be cute, like this one perched on the rock, they dug out my poor flowers and buried one with its blossoms down in the hole with its roots up in the air. They also managed to dig up my newly planted seeds in less then 48 hours. They have the whole yard and woods to dig up but they seem to like my pots on the porch better.

Troublesome Chipmunk

Troublesome Chipmunk


Picture of the Day for April 14, 2016

During my repairs of bluebird houses, where the squirrels enlarged the opening, I discovered another rodent in my birdhouses. And apparently this chipmunk didn’t read that they live underground as there was a grass bed inside once I evicted him. And the squatter was also a thief as his cheeks were stuffed full of my bird seed!

Squatter and Thief

Squatter and Thief

Picture of the Day for April 5, 2016

My little “friends” were racing through the woods and across my lawn on Sunday when it was a little warmer outside, but there was a trouble maker on my porch too. I imagine the little rodent was checking if I have put my garden and flower pots out so he could dig up my plants and seeds. Chipmunks hibernate throughout the winter and they might want to go back to sleep this week. During hibernation, every few days they get back up, eat from their hoard of food that they gathered in the fall. One tiny chipmunk can gather up to 165 acorns in one day and they do hoard more food than needed. A group of chipmunks is called a scurry and they better scurry if I catch them in my garden!

Chipmunk Awake from Winter Nap

Chipmunk Awake from Winter Nap


Picture of the Day for September 19, 2015

The chipmunks seem to rule the roost around my place, eating all my raspberries, unearthing my flowers, digging my garden seeds out before they have a chance to grow and apparently they can outwit cats too. A chipmunk kept charging out to the stray cat instead of just hiding in the woods (as seen in the video below) and it eventually got away when the cat left. The next night my Trouble caught one but it got away too and within a few minutes, he had his cheeks stuff full of my produce and chirping away on its perch.

Crafty Chipmunk

Crafty Chipmunk

Curious Cat vs. Crafty Chipmunk

(Sorry for the shaky video but I was photographing a sunset and didn’t have a tripod with me when I came across this scene.)