The fall flowers are providing some late pollen for the bees. Tansy is in the aster family and was brought to North American from Europe and Asia. Tansy, also called golden buttons, has become quite invasive in some areas.
Bee on Tansy
There wasn’t for sunshine today, so the blossoms of the tansy would have to provide the yellow color. Common tansy is another invasive plant from Europe and Asia which forms a dense cover and outcompete native plants as well as being toxic to humans and livestock when eaten. Tansy has a long history of uses like medicinal and an insect repellent.
Common Tansy
The sun was hiding again today so some leaves and flowers provided the missing yellow colors. Although these yellow common tansy provide pretty color in the fall, they are another invasive species from Eurasia. Tansy has a long history of use. It was first recorded as being cultivated by the ancient Greeks for medicinal purposes. It is also known as bitter buttons, cow bitter, or golden buttons.
Common Tansy