It was another day of watching snowflakes falling and blowing. People may complain about dandelions in their yards but seeing the little parachutes of the weed would mean warmer temperatures.
Dandelion White
The calendar might say it is spring, but it is more of a gray period instead with another cloudy day and the brownish landscape which has emerged from the snow. A field of dandelions would look pretty about now, even if people don’t like them, but bees love them. I like the yellow stage, it is the white seed releasing event that I don’t care for.
Yellow Field
There was a lot of white on my lawn yesterday, but since it was 80 degrees yesterday, it wasn’t snow. Instead the dandelions were no longer yellow but now white with their seed dispersal sphere ready to release seeds into the wind. One seed is ready to take flight once the breeze catches it parachute to send it sailing in the air.
3-2-1 Lift Off
It appears spring is officially here at last as the dandelions have made their appearance! But I can’t pick the pretty yellow flowers for my mom since the butterflies are landing on them for the nectar as there isn’t much else for food sources for the bees and butterflies at the moment until other flowers open up.
Sign of Spring