Throughout the yard, insects like butterflies, were flying around on this sunny day and down by the pond, dragonflies were darting from spot to spot.
Summertime Dragonfly
A swarm of dragonflies were flying near me when I was mowing the lawn and I suppose they were after the bugs that I chasing up. But seeing the big “flight or cluster”, as a group of them are called, looked rather creepy flying around me but it was a spider that bit me when mowing instead.
Dragonfly Resting
The common whitetail dragonfly can be seen hawking for mosquitoes and other small flying insects over ponds so I’m happy I have a bunch of dragonflies eating my bugs. But I’m also glad they aren’t as big as they were 325 million years ago when they had a 30 inch wingspan as that would be a little nerve–racking with as many as I see flying around my pond.
Common Whitetail Dragonfly
Meteorological spring started yesterday and even though it is sunny today, it definitely is not spring yet as the pond is frozen and no dragonflies buzzing around. And it won’t look or feel like spring the next few days with the predicted snow and below zero temperatures so winter hasn’t released its hold yet.
Brief Rest Stop for Dragonfly