Tag: Flowers

Picture of the Day for August 20, 2015

Hopefully the sun will peek out and shine today, otherwise the Black-eyed Susans will have to provide the sunshine. There are different hybrids from the native plant which are used in gardens and mine have multiplied quite well from the couple of plants I started with. Even giving a truckload away to a friend didn’t slow them down long but they sure add some bright color when most of the other flowers are done blooming.

Sea of Yellow Faces

Sea of Yellow Faces

Picture of the Day for April 6, 2015

The proverb “March winds and April showers bring forth May flowers”, first recorded in 1886, or the shorter version “April showers bring May flowers” (originally “Sweet April showers/Do spring May flowers”, part of a poem recorded in 1610) are common expressions in English speaking countries. But it doesn’t say whether it is rain or snow showers which bring the flowers although at least it has just been rain showers here this morning and not snow like further north. The colder temperatures still have kept the flowers from sprouting up this spring yet and if they had, flowers like the snow glories could be covered with snow.

Snow Glories Could be Covered by Snow

Snow Glories Could be Covered by Snow


Picture of the Day for May 11, 2014

For this Mother’s Day, I won’t be able to give my mom the usual flowers I give her, one of the early flowers which bloom in the area, the pretty dandelions. Due to the lack of many flowers blooming yet, the honey bees in my yard need the flowers more than my mom does this year.

When honeybees first emerge from their hives in the spring they have typically depleted their winter stores of honey and pollen needed for daily nutrition to sustain their life and “mom’s flowers”, the dandelions provides one of the first important sources of pollen and nectar, prior to when the other spring nectar sources become available.

So mom will have to look at her Mother’s Day flowers as a picture only this year since the honey bees were on the dandelions yesterday.

Mother’s Day Flowers

Mother's Day Flowers