Tag: Frog

Picture of the Day for February 15, 2022

It was five years ago when I had an unexpected visitor show up in my house. A tree frog had hitched a ride in one of my flower pots that I brought in the house in late fall but I didn’t notice my new roommate until months later.

And since it was still winter outside and he would be unable to burrow in for the winter, he remained in my house for several months until springtime. He seemed rather comfortable in his new home (even if in a tub and not my whole house). But he had swimming pool and a mossy green nest plus a lot of flies that I captured and turned loose in his covered tub for ready snacks.

Even when I turned him loose in the spring, he returned to his home that I left on the porch for several days before he wandered back into his normal environment, probably since I stopped catching flies for him.

Uninvited Roommate

Uninvited Roommate

Picture of the Day for July 30, 2019

The late summer nights need the croaking of a bullfrog to complete the evening chorus. But bullfrogs are on the menu for other critters so it is good they can jump ten times their own body length. And while the smaller bullfrogs eat mainly insects, larger ones eat crayfish, mice and frogs including other bullfrogs!

American Bullfrog

American Bullfrog

Picture of the Day for April 26, 2018

Signs that spring has arrived are the return the of the bluebirds (which a pretty male bluebird was singing in my yard this morning), flowers blooming (which I spotted some in town today), and the unique sound of the spring peepers. These tiny frogs make a lot of noise and I heard them singing today in the marshy areas. The spring peeper can produce its own “antifreeze” to help preserve the most essential organs in temperatures below freezing. They can actually freeze up to 70% of their body and their heart stops pumping and seem to be dead but somehow they can wake up and thaw out to join the chorus with the return of spring.

Another Sign of Spring

Another Sign of Spring

Spring Peeper Peeping
