Finally the few dry days plus the ground freezing overnight has allowed for some field work and farmers were busy combining soybeans today.
Harvesting Soybeans
For many people, the Thanksgiving meal included turkey as the main course but another common item is cranberries in a variety of forms. It’s debatable whether or not there were cranberries at the first Thanksgiving, but due to the importance of cranberries as a native fruit in early North America it is believed that they would have been at the first Thanksgiving. These cranberries were harvested last month, when the temperature was much warmer than it was today.
Cranberries for Thanksgiving
The harvesting of crops continues and as you drive around the farm land, you might see huge new big combines and others that already have seen many harvest seasons. But to the future generations, the current fancy equipment may appear just as ancient as photographs of my grandparents harvesting with teams of horses.
Today’s Harvest, Tomorrow’s Past