The lawn still has spots of standing water, but these ducks don’t mind the water as they can move faster in the water than walking.
Baby Ducks Following Mom
Short video of the ducks.
“On the Sixth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me Six Geese A-Laying.” I don’t mind six geese if they aren’t pooping on my lawn (which they seem to do once they stand up and aren’t laying anymore) and so I much rather see them swimming or playing on a lake and not near my pond.
“Six Geese A-Playing”
Today is the fishing opener for the state so people are heading out to the lakes at the crack of dawn to catch the big one, except some lakes are still iced over. I am a wimp and I will wait a month until the landscape greens up before thinking about fishing as I prefer a sunny day with the temperature just right for short sleeves shirt and a light breeze from the west to blow the bugs away.
Waiting for a Warmer Fishing Day