Tag: Pond

Picture of the Day for April 13, 2020

It wasn’t a dream that it looked like Christmas yesterday instead of Easter as this morning the ground was still white even if the morning sun make it less depressing than prior cloudy day. But the clouds rolled back in and more snow fell to cover areas that were starting to melt. At least my pond didn’t freeze over yet and although I didn’t see any ducks swimming there this morning, there was duck tracks in the snow by the edge.

Bright White

Bright White

Picture of the Day for March 10, 2020

On Sunday when the weather was warmer, I cleaned my wood duck boxes and put fresh shavings in them. The melting snow filled my pond (and my boots too when I stepped in deep snow with water running beneath the snow). Now tonight there is a fresh coating snow covering the ground and the ice layer on the pond. At least the amount of snow should be light if the forecast is correct.

Frozen Pond

Frozen Pond

Picture of the Day for May 25, 2019

The first sunny day in a while had the bees buzzing in the dandelions as well as the apple blossoms. And while the female orioles were busy building theirs nests, I spotted a male oriole in the apple blossoms as he was hunting insects.  But as I was watching the oriole, I scared the wood ducks from the pond so I quickly took some photos and left the area so the ducks could return to their nest boxes.

Holiday Weekend at the Pond

Holiday Weekend at the Pond

Picture of the Day for April 14, 2019

The freezing temperatures overnight caused an ice layer to almost cover all of my pond. There was a small patch of open water in which I spotted a pair of Wood Ducks and Hooded Mergansers floating close together. They probably needed the bigger body mallards to break up the ice, but at least by noon, they had this bigger patch of water. At least the ice wasn’t as thick or damaging as the iceberg that the Titanic hit 107 years ago on April 14 and sank less than 3 hours later.

Freezing Over Again

Freezing Over Again

Picture of the Day for November 6, 2018

It is election day and I vote for a warmer week but it looks like it will be a loss if the forecast is right. Between the recent rains and melting snow, my pond is overflowing again. Normally the spring snow melt causes it to fill up so this picture almost looks similar except for the leaves haven’t been packed down under the snow and no ice on the pond plus greener grass than in the spring melt.

Fall Overflowed 

Fall Overflowed