Tag: Pond

Picture of the Day for April 8, 2016

The weather has been rather fickle this morning as one moment it is dark, then the sun pops out, and the next minute it is snowing. While I didn’t spot any ducks in this pond when I drove by earlier in the week, my pond has been revolving door for ducks with mallards, hooded merganser and wood ducks. This morning the pair of mallards was sharing the pond with two pairs of wood ducks. On the edge of the pond, robins and blackbird were bopping on the grass. But that wasn’t all on the edge of the pond, as a stray black cat was eyeing up a roasted duck dinner, although he gave up after a while since the ducks were teasing him by swimming around pond staying out of reach.

 Springtime Pond

Springtime Pond

Picture of the Day for March 29, 2016

Yesterday I heard the first frogs of spring, but they are not the deep sounding bull frogs or other larger species. Instead they are tiny little frogs, although they produce a loud noise, they are often less than an one inch long so they are very hard to find unless you see the water ripping as they make their music. On a warm night, the chorus of Spring Peeper carries on the air, as they emerge to feed and sing. They are among the first frogs in the regions to call in the spring and as their name suggests, their high-pitched call similar to that of a young chicken.

Spotting the Spring Peeper

Spotting the Spring Peeper

Picture of the Day for March 24, 2016

It is not often for my small pond to have open water when there is a foot of snow on the ground, but the spring snow storm makes it look more like winter again than spring. Hopefully the snow will melt quickly as there was some bluebirds checking out some of the birdhouses in the snow today and the geese stayed mainly in the water instead of wading through the snow.

Springtime Snow at the Pond

Springtime Snow at the Pond