Tag: Rural

Picture of the Day for August 13, 2018

Another hot and humid summer day caused a lot of things to sweat in the sun like me, but also the corn. Corn doesn’t actually sweat and the technical term is evapotranspiration, the natural process of water evaporating from plants to the air. The corn stalks act like wicks or straws drawing up soil moisture which beads up on leaves and is carried off by warmer air increasing the humidity.

Corn Sweating

Corn Sweating


Picture of the Day for September 5, 2016

Today is Labor Day which “constitutes a yearly national tribute to the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country”. And while the majority of workers have the day off, others still have to labor today, especially those providing service to those enjoying the last big summer getaways.

And growing up on a farm, Labor Day meant labor as it was the big push to get projects completed before school started. And some of those tasks including making fence before the ground froze.

Fencing Time

Fencing Time

Picture of the Day for July 10, 2015

The very long L shape barn has some interesting features and the dual silos by the door caught my eye. After the barn wasn’t used for farming anymore, it was family style restaurant having an all you can eat breakfast, and then used as shops with the last sign on the end of the barn advertising antiques. A third wing was added at some point to form a T shape barn but now the barn seems to be abandoned once again.

Dual Sentinels

Dual Sentinels

Picture of the Day for January 25, 2015

Although a cooler morning than yesterday, the snow overnight missed this area and a hazy sun is out on this Sunday morning. (Last year on January 25th when this picture was taken, the sun was out brighter but the wind was blowing strong and causing drifts to form on the road.)

The Marsh Lake Cemetery surrounds the Bethany Church but the lack of footprints leading to the door suggests that the church is no longer used on a regular basis, especially in the winter time.

Church Forgotten in the Winter

Church Forgotten in the Winter