Today is the start of meteorological winter, which is the three coldest months of the year. And with the additional snow today, it definitely looks like a white winter.
Start of Winter
When I was walking along the shore of Lake Superior today, I thought I had found a unique white rock embedded in the red layers. But on closer inspection, the rock which I couldn’t reach the top of, wasn’t a rock but snow which still hasn’t melted yet even though it is the middle of May on a seventy degree day.
Snow Rock
The pair of wood ducks were checking out a duck house this morning, before the snow came so I wonder if they will head south now. And the spring birds are not the only birds having trouble finding food this evening as even the winter birds had problems locating seeds in the snow covered feeder.
Snow Covered Feeder
I spotted these “creatures” in the road ditch. I didn’t know if they look more like soldiers in camouflage, cavemen in woolly mammoth coats or some other scary creature hiding along the road. But these creatures will eventually melt like the wicked witch of the west, whenever the sunshine can penetrate their pine needle coats.
Camouflage Creatures