Mother Nature played a very nasty trick for Halloween by covering the ground with that shite stuff. I rather had a nice treat of a warm sunny day but that didn’t happen.
Morning revealed a new white coating of snow and I saw some geese heading south again and I bet the flowers that started to bloom wish they waited a few more weeks before emerging during the false spring.
This cardinal wasn’t happy during the snow storm as the limb broke that I had the bird feeders tied to and not too much of the feeder was sticking out of the snow. He was able to get some seeds after the squirrels dug some of the snow away.
Mother Nature played a nasty April Fools’ Day prank as it dumped heavy wet snow overnight which made it look like winter instead spring and caused many people hours to shovel this morning.
The heavy snow overnight had my pine trees branches weighted down again and I not sure they will ever return to their former upright positions even after the snow melts off as many times they been snowed on.