With a new coating of snow overnight, some of us are reaching the end of our rope when it comes to shoveling snow this year and we are ready for spring.
Winter Hanging On
With the rain and snow the past weeks, it has been a little scary opening some doors to the outside when the temperature is near freezing and the snow pack start slide off the roofs. While standing under the curling wave of snow, you can almost picture yourself surfing inside a large wave tunnel. But instead you listening for any signs that the snow is going to break off and hit you on the head.
Curling Hanging Snow
With another 8 inches of snow overnight, my poor trees are hanging down even more and the top is tipping over with the weight of the snow. Even the birds are scared to land on the snow laden branches and they have to fly inside to the center of the tree to find a branch without snow to perch on.
Too Much Snow