Normally I wouldn’t post two flower pictures back to back and I was saving this one for a friend’s birthday since it looks like a horn to announce the birthday. But since it’s already tomorrow in Australia, and therefore already her birthday, I will post it today.
This trumpet-like flower is the Spotted Touch-me-not. The name touch-me-not comes from this plants unique way of seed dispersal. The seed capsule when it is touched explodes, sending its seeds up to 4 feet away.
The Spotted Touch-me-not is a high reward flower, which when insects consume the nectar of the touch-me-not are getting more energy than they would at another flower. In some cases insects such as bumble bees will feed on the nectar of low reward plants on very warm days when they don’t need as much energy, and save the high reward flowers, like the touch-me-not for cooler times.
But that’s enough rambling about the flower and it’s time to say Happy Birthday to my friend on the other side of the world and I hope you have a wonderful day!
Spotted Touch-Me-Not