The sunlight is short as the official start of winter approaches and even the few hours daylight may be cloudy or hazy sun. And with enough ice crystals in the air, even a ring appears around the sun reminding me it is cold outside.
Sun Circle
In folklore, a ring or a halo seen around the sun or the moon means precipitation is coming and since it is winter, that means more snow is on the way again!
The halos are formed by the tiny ice crystals in the high cirrus clouds that reflect the light. Halos around the moon are usually just white whereas the ones around the sun can be more colorful and sometimes look like rainbows.
Ring around the Sun
The winter skies can produce sundogs when ice crystals are present in the air in very cold weather and there is a chance that some might be visible in the next few days but sometimes the sun can reflect on the winter clouds to give off different colors like green and in this case a pink color.
It seems rather eerie when the sun is masked by the clouds and makes it appear more like the moon than the sun.
Eerie Sun