Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning, but there was more pink and yellow in this morning’s sky, which probably help lessen the snow amount this evening.
Less Red Sky
It was a pink-reddish sky this morning, but the saying “red sky in the morning, sailors take warning” should have been “ducks take warning”. My wood duck left her nest for about an hour like she does each morning, but this time a second pair of wood duck came to the pond and the female was checking out the duck houses, including the ones with the eggs in it. While the new female was exploring the other nest box, my duck returned and shortly after, the new duck entered the same house and a fight occurred as the mother duck drove the newcomer away. So while the sunrise looked tranquil, it was not a peaceful morning at the pond.
Red in the Morning
“Red sky at morning, sailors take warning” is a line from a rhyme used for weather forecasting the past two millennia by mariners. But the sunrise was more pink than red so no storm, especially since the day was in the 40s and it might be the last 40 degree day for the year until next spring.
Pink Sky at Morning
The day was filled with red colors for Valentine’s Day as even Mother Nature provided a reddish sunrise. There is a saying “Red sky in morning, sailors take warning”, which can come true in the middle latitudes and when the storms generally move west to east. With sunlight reflecting off particles in the air, the red sky can indicate a high water content in the atmosphere so that rain cold be on its way. And it came true today as it started to rain a few hours after sunrise, which isn’t common in February, but maybe a good thing it was rain today otherwise it may have been a foot of snow instead.
Valentine’s Red Sky