Tag: Wildflowers

Picture of the Day for May 12, 2019

I didn’t pick any dandelions for my usual Mother’s Day flowers since there still isn’t many flowers blooming for the bees to collect pollen from. And with the late spring, the wildflowers are rather sparse yet to take a walk through the woods on mom’s day. Although there are a few violets adding some color in the woods and on my lawn.

Violets for Mom

Violets for Mom

Picture of the Day for May 4, 2019

Today was a nice spring day, but I didn’t have time for a walk in the woods to hunt for wildflowers as I still a lot of limbs that came down over the long winter that needed to be picked up off my lawn. I did spot some Spring Beauties leaves but no blossoms yet so will have to hunt for blooms in upcoming days.

Hunting for Blooms

Hunting for Blooms


Picture of the Day for May 7, 2018

With the temperature in the 80s today, it is hard to believe that snow was still on the ground last Monday but already my neighbor mowed his lawn in less than a week later. I did see a lot of white in the woods today between the bloodroots and the wood anemones, which is more pleasurable white to see than snow.

Bloodroot White

Bloodroot White