It can be hard to find much green color around here in the winter, as even the pine trees seem dull, but once in a while instead of a red barn there is a green one on the farm landscape.
Green Barn
On Saturday, 34 fisherman were stranded on a piece of ice that cracked and separated away from the rest ice near shore. They had to be rescued from the floating ice as it floating farther out into Lake Michigan. I wouldn’t be fishing on the ice since the ice changes frequently on big bodies of water as this image from Lake Superior was a solid sheet one minute, fractured a while later and after a few more hours, the ice floated out of view.
Lake Superior Floating Ice
There was a flock of turkeys crossing the road and going down my driveway when I was trying to pull in so I had to wait for them. The group split up and some ending up wading through drifts into the trees while others stayed on the driveway longer before trudging a path through the snow.
Turkey in the Snow