The morning was whiter than I wanted to see with a fresh coating of snow and hoarfrost too. The sun peaked out in the afternoon to help re-melt the new snow layer.
White Frost
On Sunday when the weather was warmer, I cleaned my wood duck boxes and put fresh shavings in them. The melting snow filled my pond (and my boots too when I stepped in deep snow with water running beneath the snow). Now tonight there is a fresh coating snow covering the ground and the ice layer on the pond. At least the amount of snow should be light if the forecast is correct.
Frozen Pond
There was no happy birds singing this morning as the fluffy snowflakes fell. At least the amount of snow wasn’t a lot as it changed from big flakes, to drizzle before switching to ice pellets and then finally to small snowflakes again. So while it was a gray day, it wasn’t a heavy snow, like some past winter days in which even the trees seemed weary of winter.
Weary of Winter
The coating of snow this morning was a reminder that this birdhouse will not have its summertime residents arriving for weeks yet. Although there may be some winter squatters hiding out in the bluebird houses as I have found some field mice when checking the houses in the spring.
Waiting for Spring Birds
There was a big change in temperature from yesterday’s -20 temperature to today reaching just above freezing. And even though there was several cold days, January was warmer than normal so there hasn’t been a solid ice layer on Lake Superior near the sea caves. The lack of stable thick ice has prevented access to visit the ice caves this year so far, but I prefer the warmer temperatures even if that means no icy formation sightseeing.
Escaping from the Ice Monster