The snow dumped by the storm made today look more like the day before Christmas than the day before Thanksgiving. And it doesn’t sound like any of it will be melting before the next winter storm comes.
White Thanksgiving
The freezing temperatures overnight caused an ice layer to almost cover all of my pond. There was a small patch of open water in which I spotted a pair of Wood Ducks and Hooded Mergansers floating close together. They probably needed the bigger body mallards to break up the ice, but at least by noon, they had this bigger patch of water. At least the ice wasn’t as thick or damaging as the iceberg that the Titanic hit 107 years ago on April 14 and sank less than 3 hours later.
Freezing Over Again
The snow melt slowed today as temperatures were cold overnight and didn’t get to freezing today but the prior two days melting has streams and rivers overflowing. Even the little creek at the farm, which you can hop across in the summer, looks more a river. Now if that refroze to a hard surface, it would be a fun place to go ice skating.
Creek Overflowing
The snow covered driveway yesterday was a better option than the slippery mess the rain left today. I used snowshoes that has spikes on the bottom to make it up my icy driveway to get the mail. Even one of the farm cats slid downhill on the ice and more rain tonight will polish the ice some more.
Before the Ice