The groundhog was a bit off on his early spring prediction with record setting low highs today so the piles of snow didn’t have much of a chance to melt much even with the sun out on this cold March Sunday.
The snow drifts are making it hard to get around and they are blocking access to areas and buildings. With the snow falling again today, soon you wouldn’t know what color this shed is as it will be completely covered by snow.
It wasn’t fun clearing the driveway when the strong winds filled snow back in due to the blizzard conditions which whipped the snow around causing big drifts which even snowplow trucks couldn’t get through. The snow danced across the landscape and the trees became white again.
Red barns stand out against the white December snow like this one, but now that the snow has increased its depth by three feet this February, I prefer to see them surrounded with green grass.
The sun hasn’t melted all the snow off the trees yet and definitely not off my roof. Even shaking some of the limbs wouldn’t dislodge the snow from the tree branches.
More snow is predicted for tomorrow and Tuesday but this poor tree already seems to be struggling under the weight of the snow without additional white stuff.