After several clear cold days, the clouds have rolled back in which may block the sunrises and sunsets for a while as it tries to snow.
January Sunrise
The temperature overnight was colder than predicted so the birds have been busy coming to the feeders this morning to get some food to burn to stay warm. Feathers, specialized scales on legs and feet, and fat reserves help birds survive the cold temperatures. They will also fluff feathers to create air pockets, catch some sun on clear days, huddle together while roosting and even shiver to generate more body heat. But even with all these adaptations to stay warm, some birds will still succumb to frigid temperatures during severe winters.
Getting Fuel for the Cold
The new snow was sparkling in the very crisp air this afternoon, even if it was warmer than the over night low of -22 (although it might have been colder but my digital thermometer only goes to -22). The snow squeaked when walking on it to do chores so I didn’t stay out long to take many pictures as the camera battery drained quickly in the cold but the snow covered tree caught my eye with the sun peeking out behind it.
Very Cold Sunday Afternoon
St. Patty’s Day must have sucked all the green up yesterday and didn’t leave any left for today as it was a white morning with the new snowfall overnight. And the robins have been snowed more than the three times needed for spring to come so nature needs a counting lesson as I want green and not white.
March Snow