Tag: Winter

Picture of the Day for March 9, 2016

Although the wind chill this morning is below freezing, yesterday was abnormally warm so I ventured outside in the afternoon. After watching the bald eagle circling overhead and watching the three geese resting on the edge of my pond, I set out to clean the birdhouses. And while I didn’t have to stand in any snow to clean the houses, I did have to skirt around some snow drifts and you would feel the air temperature change when next to the drifts.

Normally I have to evict some rodents from the houses and at times it is hard to get them to leave, so this time I took my camera to take pictures of the field mice and didn’t find any little four-legged critters in the houses. So halfway on my trek of cleaning the houses, I left my camera behind so of course I did eventually found a pair of ‘cute’ looking mice in one house but probably good I didn’t have my camera then as the deer had rutted up the path so much that in one spot I sank and splashed mud all over me and my clothes.

So after throwing my clothes in the wash and taking a shower, I ate some ice cream on the porch barefoot without a coat or sweatshirt on – something that doesn’t have very often in early March!

Time for Spring Cleaning

Time for Spring Cleaning

Picture of the Day for February 23, 2016

The snowflakes falling this morning were huge and too bad they weren’t cotton candy instead of cold snow. A flake would cover my camera lens so I had to try to protect the camera while out in the snow squall. The little patch grass the robin was hanging around is now covered but at least it snowed on the robin’s tail so only twice more until spring comes.

Huge Snowflakes

Huge Snowflakes

Picture of the Day for February 20, 2016

The wind blew in the rain yesterday as well as a couple of robins, so maybe the groundhog was right about the early spring. But since the only grass peeking out is the narrow strip along the edge of the driveway next to the tall snow banks, the robin kept looking at me like it was my fault there wasn’t more grass to hop on and he did slide on the ice once too so not a happy bird.

Early Robin

Early Robin