Tag: Winter

Picture of the Day for April 4, 2014

I prefer the autumn picture I took of this barn and I imagine a spring picture would be pretty when the apple tree is in blossom, but I don’t know if I will get to see the spring picture since it is snowing again today so there would be more snow covering the trees and fence. And that might make a pretty picture too, but I can’t get out of the driveway yet until I clear the snow to go take the picture.

For those tired of winter, look at the autumn scene instead, click on this link – Signs of Autumn.

Signs of Winter

Signs of Winter

Picture of the Day for April 1, 2014

Mother nature provided an April’s Fool joke this morning. Daffodils and other early bulb flowers should be displaying bright colors but instead the trees are rattling with a new layer of ice and the gusty winds are blowing snowflakes around.

So for all the people who keep telling me spring is coming, the joke is on us as winter has latched on with mighty grips and is not letting go.

Nature’s Joke

Nature's Joke

Picture of the Day for March 31, 2014

Another month is ending and I haven’t decided if March is going out like a lion or a lamb. It definitely came in like a lion but today it is actually warm enough for rain at the moment so could be a lamb. But the ground is still buried under snow and the rain is supposed to switch to snow later tonight so doesn’t seem to lamb like to me. And some areas are being impacted with a blizzard so March is going out for a lion for them.

End of March

End of March

Picture of the Day for March 29, 2014

The barn styles often change from one area to another. The foundations may be field stones, limestone or cement depending on available materials. The roof may be rounded, have several pitches or single pitch.

Weathervanes or cupolas may adorn the roofs. Cupola, meaning little cupo or little dome, allowed light in and hot air to escape and have been a part of wooden barns history. Farmers have often referred to a cupola as a roof over a hole in the roof. This barn, built in 1893, proudly displays a pretty cupola.

Cupola Barn

Cupola Barn

Picture of the Day for March 20, 2014

Well today is the first day of spring and two years ago, this pretty little flower was blooming before the official start of spring. If it tried blooming this year, the Glory of the Snow would have to bloom under a snow bank even if it is spring.

Glory of the Snow

Glory of the Snow

But when I look from my porch, I couldn’t see any spring flowers this year so I decided to rectify that problem and ‘plant’ some flowers which I could view from my porch!

Planted Spring Flowers