Picture of the Day for September 14, 2012

It was this time last year when I took a trip along the Lake Superior shore in Minnesota in the area called the North Shore. I figured technically it would be the northwestern shore since the true north shore would be in Canada, but with the angle of the shoreline, you can look directly south and see Lake Superior. The angle of the coast line makes it a little difficult judging where to line up for the sunrise shot without a compass.

Last year, I just rolled out of my tent to watch the sunrise by Split Rock Lighthouse before hiking the trails and exploring the rest of the day. Split Rock is still my favorite lighthouse, maybe because it is one of the closer ones to me, but mainly because of the location and the work involved to build it when there was no roads and all the building materials came by water and lifted up to the top of the cliff.

As a scenic photographer, I normally try to eliminate people from my scenes, but I left the two people standing by the fence in front of the lighthouse to the right (dark coats) just to give some perspective of the grand undertaking of building in that location.

Majestic Split Rock Lighthouse