Picture of the Day for June 24, 2020

Although butterflies are around in the spring and fall, to me butterflies mean summertime. In my part of the state, there are two different types of tiger swallowtail butterflies and when they are flying, it is hard to look at the spots to know which type it is. Normally the ones I capture with a photo are the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, but sometimes the Canadian Tiger Swallowtail will adventure into camera range.

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Canadian Tiger Swallowtail

Picture of the Day for June 22, 2020

Taking four years to build, Jacob Tapola Davidson, a Finnish immigrant, finished the wind-power gristmill in 1904, the octagonal shape inspired by his coffee pot. The grinding stones, which came from rock near Amnicon Falls, could grind 300 pounds of grain an hour. By using long poles attached to the green section, the grinding speed was controlled by rotating the mill’s upper section with its 17 foot long sails.

Davidson Windmill

Davidson Windmill

Picture of the Day for June 20, 2020

The summer solstice today marks the beginning of summer and is the day with the longest amount of daylight hours. I was to have 15 hours and 36 minutes, although the rain today seemed to shorten the daylight, but it cleared in time for sunset. The amount of daylight varies by location and the South Pole had zero hours today while Utqiagvik, AK had the sun up all day long. Other cities like New York has 15 hours and 6 minutes, San Francisco with 14 hours and 46 minutes, and Miami with 13 hours and 45 minutes.

Summer Solstice Sunset

Summer Solstice Sunset

Picture of the Day for June 19, 2020

Many of these lady’s slipper blossoms will not get pollinated as bumblebees have learned there is no nectar so not worth the effort to navigate the small opening and approximately only 10% will produce fruit containing thousands of tiny seeds. The plant can live up to 100 years but it takes a long time to bloom the first time and will not bloom every year if conditions are poor, so seeds may only be produced a few times during its life.

Pink Lady’s Slipper

Pink Lady's Slipper