Water is a magnetic to kids, like this group crossing the Amnicon River during very dry conditions and the cool water they were playing in would feel good on this hot Saturday of the holiday weekend.
Kids Crossing River
Most of the fireweed I noticed today are almost done blooming, which bloom from the bottom and last blossoms of the season are on top. The name fireweed stems from its ability to quickly colonize areas burned by fire. Lore has it that the end of summer isn’t official until the top fireweed buds bloom, and those at the bottom have died. And since it is close to the Labr Day weekend, another signal to the end summer, the fireweeds I saw fit right in with this timing of the end of summer (especially seeing some leaves turning color too).
Fireweed Nearing End
Yesterday evening I had to stop on the road as there was a group of turkeys wandering across the highway. There were about four adult female turkeys and a few dozen younger ones, so it looks like the moms combined their kids to try to herd them, but the effort wasn’t that successful as I had to wait a while before they all managed to finally get to one side of the road.
Wandering Turkeys