Picture of the Day for August 18, 2012

The image and history of the old west tug at many hearts. I know it tugs at mine, whether it is because of the image of western scenery, the hard working cowboys that had grit and stood their ground, or the quietness of the range filled with the sounds of cattle grazing instead of motorcycles, cars and planes roaring loudly in a hurry to get somewhere. It was a simpler time, even though living conditions were harsher and required a lot of physical work, but you knew your neighbors and helped each other when trouble happened.

And trouble could happen if a cowboy got hooked by a longhorn. Countless cowboys perished while working; the stampedes, thrown from a horse, range wars or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But I suppose they rather would like to go out in the blaze of glory than to be an old crippled cowboy who could only ride a rocking chair.

But for all the glory of the old west, I’m not sure I would want to push a herd of longhorns on the trail. I have had my share of bruises just from little calves without horns!

Longhorn Cattle

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