Picture of the Day for August 9, 2013

When I walked down to the pond this week, I scared a frog and it hopped from the shore into the water. Walking closer to the edge of the pond in an attempt to see the frog, I heard a bigger slash and the next thing I knew, a green heron was flying up with a frog in its beak. So my curiosity caused the death of a frog but some baby herons probably enjoyed a frog leg supper.

At least this frog was smart floating out in the middle of the pond since the green heron stays on the shore line.

Floating Frog

Floating Frog

3 Replies to “Picture of the Day for August 9, 2013”

  1. Now if this frog was on his back he could be doing the dead man (frog) float. At least he survived the Mommy Heron. 🙂

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