Picture of the Day for February 2, 2016

Well since it was cloudy this morning because of the snow storm coming, Jimmy the Groundhog from Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, did not see his shadow so supposedly spring will come early. Although by tomorrow morning he would have to climb up through a lot more snow.

The more famous groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, also sees early spring, but Jimmy received more notice last Groundhog Day when Jimmy bite the mayor’s ear when the mayor leaned in to hear the weather prediction. Afterward, authorities told Jimmy’s owners they needed a license to own a groundhog and the decision was made to release the groundhog back into his native habitat.

But a new Jimmy, Jimmy XII, made the prediction this year, as someone with a license for a groundhog, brought a groundhog for the celebration, but Jimmy stayed in the cage this year so no chance to bite the mayor’s ear for waking him up early in the morning.

Groundhog Predicts Early Spring

Groundhog Predicts Early Spring

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