Picture of the Day for February 28, 2013

I’m trying to imagine blossoms on this tree since there are hints of white as a friend of mine has been telling me of her almond blossoms and how pretty they smell right now but it’s not working because all I smell is cold and I feel the cold too.

It might be a fun tree to climb in the summer but one would get a chilly butt climbing it now.

(I will be taking a mini vacation so I won’t be posting any pictures on February 29, 30 or the 31st.)

Chilly Tree

Chilly Tree



5 Replies to “Picture of the Day for February 28, 2013”

  1. Oh Duh!!!!!!!!!!!! Sheri, you are a nut. Now I get it—–There is nooooo 29-30 or 31. You had me fooled for awhile. 🙂

  2. Mavis, that girl Sheri is just trying our young brains! What no Feb. 29 – 30 -31 this year! NO NEVER!!!

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