Picture of the Day for January 17, 2015

This weekend is Wisconsin’s Winter Free Fishing so you can fish anywhere in Wisconsin without a license or trout stamp. This includes all inland waters and Wisconsin’s side of the Great Lakes and Mississippi River. And this year, the weather will actually be fairly nice with temperatures around the freezing mark.

But I never been much of an ice fishing person as sitting around a hole on a hunk of ice waiting for a fish to swim by your line doesn’t overly thrill me. Half the fun of fishing is seeing if you can throw your line in the spot you want (without getting snagged in the tree behind you or the stump in the water), but I also like see other critters swimming about or spotting wildflowers along the path to the fishing spot and where I can sit on a warm sunny bank so I think I will wait until the free summer fishing weekend in June instead.

Fishing Weekend

Fishing Weekend

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