Picture of the Day for January 5, 2014

Winter activities like cross country skiing, snowshoeing or just walking in the snow is enjoyed by some and one can hear the birds singing in the winter sunshine except when I was outside this afternoon, the squeaky snow was scaring any birds away. You know it is cold when the snow squeaks when you step on it.

There are three physical factors which lead to one mechanism cause snow to “squeak” when it reaches a certain cold temperature; lubrication of snow. No lubrication, then squeaky snow and with lubrication, quiet snow. Temperature, pressure of stepping on the snow and the shape of the snow crystals play into whether the snow has lubrication.

If the snow was squeaking today, I wonder what it will do tomorrow when it is really, really cold. It probably will be screaming instead of squeaking; screaming it is too cold!

Squeaky Snow

Squeaky Snow

2 Replies to “Picture of the Day for January 5, 2014”

  1. You are brave to be outside at all when it gets this cold. Nice picture but if you look really close I bet the trees are even shivering 🙁

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