Picture of the Day for July 18, 2015

The roaring of the wind and thunder rumble last night from the storm sounded like being near a loud waterfall. The humid day made my shirt wet but not a cool wet like from the waterfall mist and the heavy rainfall cut ‘rivers’ into the gravel driveway creating rushing water and mini waterfalls.

The Upper Falls on the Amnicon River  flows over dark basalt formed by lava that flowed across the region about a billion years ago.  The fine texture of this rock suggests that the lava was very fluid and cooled rapidly enough to prevent the formation of crystals. The river runs along the Douglas Fault formed about 500 million years ago.  A few feet downstream the Amnicon River flows over Lake Superior sandstone at the Lower Falls.

Upper Falls on the Amnicon River

Upper Falls on the Amnicon River

Listen to the waterfall’s roar in the video.

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