Picture of the Day for July 24, 2015

This odd looking wildflower called Indian Pipe, or Corpse Plant, contains no chlorophyll and therefore has to “borrow” or take nutrients from other sources. Its roots tap into the root-like threads of fungus, which the fungus tap into tree roots. The tree gives nutrients to the fungus and the fungus gives nutrients to the tree but Indian Pipes don’t give anything back and actually a parasite to both the tree and fungus.

I spotted a clump of them just peeking out of the ground with a couple that were further along. The flower head is bent down to prevent rain from getting in, but as the plant gets older, it raises the head to attract insects to pollinate. The blossom inside turns pink when fertilized and as the plant matures, the head is straight up. Eventually the plant turns black as it matures even more.

Odd Looking Wildflower

Odd Looking Wildflower

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