Picture of the Day for July 26, 2015

Hidden on top of St. Anne’s Hill, sits a quaint stone chapel dedicated to St. Anne, mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose feast day is today. The St. Anne’s Shrine consists of the fourteen Stations of the Cross, which line the path from St. Luke’s Catholic Church to the top through a cow pasture, a replica of the Lourdes Grotto in addition to the chapel.

Five years after a cross was first fashioned from stones on the summit of Council Bluff by Father Surges and two visiting priests, the shrine was dedicated in Plain, Wisconsin. Held on the Feast of St. Anne, the July 26, 1928, dedication was attended by more than 1,000 parishioners and guests.

Some of the “pretty” rocks in the communion rail came from my grandmother’s flower garden, but since I didn’t circle on the picture when she pointed her rocks, I don’t remember which ones they are.

Inside St. Anne’s Hill Chapel

Inside St. Anne's Hill Chapel


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