Picture of the Day for July 7, 2012

I had a different photo planned for today but when I was feeding the fish in my pond this morning, I had a tree swallow coming straight for my head. While that is common if I am by their nest as they try to chase me away but what shocked me was when the swallow landed on my head. I have had other birds land on me but never a swallow as they seem like they are always on the go. I imagine it was a new baby testing out its wings and the flight across the pond probably tuckered the poor thing out.

It did seem a little creepy feeling the toes grabbing my hair and I was just hoping that it wouldn’t be potty break time too! Since it didn’t seem to be in a hurry to leave, I was going to resume feeding the fish but when I looked, all the fish had scattered since there was a bird close by (like on my head). It’s amazing the fish could pick out such a small bird compared to my big body but they did.

And since I couldn’t feed the fish, I reached up and put a couple of pieces of bread on my head to see if the bird was hungry. It didn’t take the bread but what surprised me was that it didn’t fly away when my hand was that close. So I just continued to stand there with the swallow on my head and no one else around to take a picture of it. Eventually rest break was over and the tree swallow flew off.

Tree Swallow on bird house

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