Picture of the Day for June 21, 2014

It is the summer solstice in the northern hemisphere, which is when the Sun reaches the farthest point north of the equator and giving us the most hours of sunlight for the whole year. The word solstice is from the Latin solstitium from sol (sun) and stitium (to stop), because it appears the sun stops at the solstice.

And today the sun is actually out for a change instead of raining so I can see the longest day of sunlight, which for my area is fifteen hours and thirty-six minutes. But now that we reached the longest day, each day will be shorter and minutes will disappear like the dandelion seeds and before you know it, the ground won’t be covered with white dandelions but with white snow instead.

Disappearing Daylight

Disappearing Daylight

One Reply to “Picture of the Day for June 21, 2014”

  1. Holy cow!!! Days will be getting shorter and we haven’t even had what I would call a spring or starting of summer. I certainly would rather see white dandelions then snow though.

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