Picture of the Day for March 18, 2015

Apparently the Irish were kicking their heels up last night and spilling their green beer as the sky was a moving green color. One benefit of all those cold nights walking out to check on the sheep during lambing time was that you were treated to the Aurora Borealis and you could watch the changing colors of blue and green light racing back and forth across the sky and sometimes even a bloody red color. The Aurora Borealis were out last night but the display in my area weren’t too dramatic or fast moving like some of the times so I didn’t drive to a lake shore for a pretty scene, especially since it was after midnight and below freezing so the end of my driveway was as far as I went.

St. Paddy’s Aurora Borealis

St. Paddy's Aurora Borealis

2 Replies to “Picture of the Day for March 18, 2015”

  1. Amazing. I just heard that the Northern lights were beautiful last night and supposed to be tonight too but I don’t think I’ll be awake to watch for them.

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