Picture of the Day for May 11, 2014

For this Mother’s Day, I won’t be able to give my mom the usual flowers I give her, one of the early flowers which bloom in the area, the pretty dandelions. Due to the lack of many flowers blooming yet, the honey bees in my yard need the flowers more than my mom does this year.

When honeybees first emerge from their hives in the spring they have typically depleted their winter stores of honey and pollen needed for daily nutrition to sustain their life and “mom’s flowers”, the dandelions provides one of the first important sources of pollen and nectar, prior to when the other spring nectar sources become available.

So mom will have to look at her Mother’s Day flowers as a picture only this year since the honey bees were on the dandelions yesterday.

Mother’s Day Flowers

Mother's Day Flowers

2 Replies to “Picture of the Day for May 11, 2014”

  1. Dandelions make pretty pictures and are good for the bees but I don’t like them when our yard is full of them.

  2. I never thought about the bees getting pollen and nectar from the dandelions. So I’ll leave the dandelions I saw by my basement door today. Thanks for the tip.

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