Picture of the Day for May 15, 2014

This flower needs the sun as much as I do and will expand wide in the sun but as evening draws near or if rain threatens, the Wood Anemone will close and droop it head so that no dew will injure it. The blossom has no true petals but has sepals instead and it is the sepals that fold over the mass of stamens and undeveloped seed vessels in the center like a tent. When closed, the pale rose colored underside of the sepals are seen, otherwise in the sun, the white upper side dance in the wind.

The Wood Anemone (Anemone quinquefolia) is often overlooked since it is a small blossom in the low bed of green leaves. It is not flashy or colorful and even the insects ignore it has little scent or nectar to attract them.

Wood Anemone

Wood Anemone

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