Picture of the Day for May 2, 2018

After a rain shower last night, it was another nice day with more signs of spring returning as well as revealing the harsh winter. I saw a rabbit this evening but earlier in the day, I spotted one of my young maple tree debarked by the bunnies looking. More spring wildflowers are opening like the bloodroots although the deer already ate some of the snow glories blossoms overnight. More birds are returning like the northern flicker. The pond is coming alive with the tadpoles swimming in the shallow waters as the female wood duck makes trips into the duck house. The water striders are skimming across the top of the water while dragonflies skip around in the air above. But it will be a while before spotting this red color dragonfly as it is an autumn one and I want spring and summer to last a while first.

Meadowhawk Dragonfly

Meadowhawk Dragonfly


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