Picture of the Day for May 20, 2015

The name Marsh Marigold gives a clue where you might find this wildflower since they are often found in marshy areas and in wet ditches nestled within the cattails, but they are not related to marigolds of the Aster family but are instead part of the buttercup family. In the UK, Caltha palustris is also known as kingcup, mayflower, May blobs, mollyblobs, pollyblobs, horse blob, water blobs, water bubbles, and gollins. I’m not sure if any of those names are any more fitting since a blob doesn’t sound so pretty and at least the name of marigold refers back to medieval churches as a tribute to the Virgin Mary, as in Mary gold. And they look more golden to me in the ditches and marshes than a horse blob!

Marsh Marigolds in the Ditch

Marsh Marigolds in the Ditch

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